Wednesday, March 31, 2010

5 Things

5 Things I am passionate about:
1) Books
2) Music
3) People I love and care about
4) Internet... always upgrading my knowledge
5) Nature..

5 Words or Phrases I use often:
1) Cool
2) Oh shit
3) Hmmm
4) Sahiii
5) Arey yaar...

5 Things on my Wish List:
1) A trip to some exotic place
2) A nice camera...
3) A garden full of flowers...
4) A nice stroll on a beach barefooted...
5) Learning to whistle...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Interview of SindhuTai Sapkal

Today I watched the interview of Sindhu tai Sapkal telecasted on IBN Lokmat

SindhuTai Sapkal, a brave woman who fought back inspite of all adversities and now has a numerous awards to her credit.She runs four ashrams for the basic rights of the underprivileged children which includes education.

It is difficult to believe that this woman once contemplated suicide when she was unable to feed her daughter. She used to make a living by begging in the train after she was disowned by her husband and family.

Read More

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What is life if full of care?

This is the poem which comes to my mind when I think of life of a software engineer

A poem by William Henry Davies..

What is life if full of care,
we have no time to stand and

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at

No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

An Autobiography of Yogi

Last week I came across an article titled An Autobiography of Yogi in the newly started The Speaking Tree issue of the Times of India... The article was nothing but first chapter from the book, describing childhood days of Paramhansa Yoganandaji and his parents.

Though I have read quite a few book on spirituality, this one keeps lingering on mind always... I have read the book almost thrice by now.. and still feeling I should read it again :) ...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Jaane kya chahe mann bawara...

Today is one of those days when I have suddenly started feeling low for no reason at all......Making all efforts to cheer myself..... so that I can be back to my own self.......
Remembered this song...
Jaane kya chaahe mann baanwra
aankhiyan mere saawan chalaa
saghan aanchal sada hor hove
sajan ansuvan mein kya jor hove
kya jor hove, apne jiya pe
mann to mara ye manchala
jaane kya chaahe mann baanwra
aankhiyan mere saawan chalaa
pawan purva mein yun udta jaave
badra chanda se mann judta jaave
aave hawa ka, jhonka phir aisa
toote patang ki dor sa
jaane kya chaahe mann baanwra
aankhiyan mere saawan chalaa

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Newtons Law

Newton's 4th law for exams:
Every book will continue to be at rest, or covered with dust,
until some external or internal exam moves it....

Who, Me?

One day, a little orphan girl stood
at the street corner begging for
food, money or anything she
could get. Her clothes were in
tatters and she looked dishevelled.
A well-to-do man passed that
corner without giving the girl a
second look. But, when he returned
to his plush home to his happy
family and a well-laden dinner
table, his thoughts returned to
the orphan. he was angry with
God for allowing such
conditions to exist.
He reproached God, saying
"How can you let this happen?
Why don't you do something
to help this girl?"

He heard God in the depths of
his being say:

"I did, I created you."

(This has been taken from the Speaking Tree supplement of the Times of India)

umm hmmm

Its the first thought in the morning.
Its the last thought at night.
Its the sudden smile in the middle of busy hours.
Its what makes mind wander a million miles away.
Its the bright spot in an already sunny day.
Flutter of heart in the crowded street.
Its the blanket of comfort in the empty room.
Its the difference between living and feeling alive.

Got these wordings in the Times of India.. Liked them and hence posted it here...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

A peaceful day

Today I felt good and happy from within after a long time.

Feeling peaceful and sooo happy...