Monday, May 3, 2010

Good people in my life.

This post is written to acknowledge all the good people in my life who have been with me and care a lot about me. It is a human tendency to complain about the not so bright part of your life and keep cribbing about it. But each one of us has something in life which we should be happy about. I am living a blessed life full of so many good people who care and love me.

The most important are my family. My mother who will come up with an instruction set for me right from cooking to shopping. She is a complete disciplinarian. Be it her anger or the selfless care, its all for my benefit. Then my father who is cool, understanding and always supportive in everything. My two younger sisters with whom I have spend a few years of my life fighting on trivial issues (they seem trivial now). Be it about watching a television channel or reading a book, we have fought on almost all things. But  the bottom line remains that they do care.

My close friends with whom I have spent my college days helping each other with assignments, studies during exams. They know my absentmindedness when it it comes to using a cell phone. Most of the times I am unaware that the phone is ringing (as its always on vibrator) and end up missing all calls. They know I am never on time when we decide to meet up :-) . They are the ones who just call up once a while to know what I am upto.

I must not forget to mention about my pet cat in this post. I know she isn't a human being but does show human traits. By human traits here, I mean she is extremely moody. Sometimes she would respond when you call her by her name but otherwise would act deaf no matter how many times you call. When I talk to her she either walks away, yawns or gives me a blank look wondering if I make any sense to her. At other times she would do 'meow  meow' non stop for couple of minutes throwing long sentences at me which I fail to understand.

Well this post doesn't end here as I am looking forward to make new relations and I am sure I would be meeting a lot more good people.